Part 1 - o0o - Mark Jones, MK64: "My red controller: I hit it with a hammer that I was using to hang posters with... so it started to rattle. It was cool for a while then last night I swung it like a sling against my wall... and it stopped rattling... when the left wing cracked open and the little pieces inside fell out. Now it doesnt rattle any more. It works perfectly... except when you hit down on the analog nothing happens." Patrik Nilson, GE Patrik let images, not words, describe the product of his anger. We'll excuse the English because this picture is classic: Breck Fresen, GE:
Jason Whalls, many games:
Myles Bukrim, MK64: Legend has it that he threw his cartridge into a river. I'll assume he cried himself to sleep that night. Then again, I believe it was to eternalize his retirement. Eli, friend: (after saying he never really got mad:)
Ben Gorman, PD: Refused to comment on "Goron Race incident" (What almost cost him his MM 2-day challenge. When he originally told me of the incident, I remember him saying something about literally screaming, and fearing the neighbors would call police, lol) He did summarize his game rage:
Ben Miller, MK64
Joe Maloney, friend He bit his video games when he got mad, some to the point of breaking. Greg Woll, GE: Angry at what he currently assumes was GoldenEye, Greg decided he was tired of kicking his chair in anger, so he decided to go after the source--the TV. After a few kicks of the TV, it seemed to be a satisfactory venting method--until one firm kick sent it off the stand. It landed on its side, and did not break, so Greg was able to watch 15 more seconds of death cinema. Nick Harvey, many titles: In response to me asking if he ever did anything in response to game rage: "Not really, except throwing controllers (Once I had 99 coins in a Super Mario 64 level, Snomwan's Land, and died)"
Stephen Chan, GE: "I'm not sure if I'll be able to play very well this controller's control stick just broke off, so now I'm using another controller, but it hasn't been used much so the stick works too well now." Conventional joystick wear and tear? Bryan Youse, GE: "i've been making a bad habit of yanking at my cord (my controller's cord, that is) after a good run gone bad, or an untimely death or something...and the other day on train 00a...i yanked it right out of the controller. turns out there are only 3 individual wires, a red, white, adn black one within the black cord. they've got to have the lowest grade copper inside of them...that @#%$ did not bend together, and so twisting it back together was the biggest pain in the ass ever. i had to take my controller apart (surely voiding any warranty that probably expired one year ago) and solder them back together. good as new now, only my cord is like 6 feet long now...rather than 8" Me: "Lately I'll just slap the controller out of my hand. It's less damaging than throwing it on the ground, and I get to hit something. I would recommend this to anyone." - o0o -
This page was created by Derek Clark. If you would like to contribute to the page with your own story, please email me at All contributions are encouraged. I will continue to append this page as new stories come in. |